Unlock Your Divine Healing Power with Jesus and the Archangels
Unlock Your Divine Healing Power
with Jesus, Archangel Raphael & Archangel Michael
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Manifest Miracles in 2021 with Divine Healers Jesus and the Archangels

Embody Your Magic & Ignite Your Innate Healing Power
What if you started 2021 with mega-awesomeness & miracle-making power?

We just went through 2020 — and if you’re like most of us, you’re counting on 2021 feeling a whole lot better...

And you may sense that you need bigger, brighter, and more miraculous tools in your toolbox — to help you claim your heart, mind, health, and sovereignty... no matter what’s happening in the world.

The good news is, you absolutely can learn to fire up your life to deeper love, connection, abundance, and more radiant health.

Now is the time to step onto the healing path — so Spirit and the angels can offer you their incredible spiritual healing medicine. 

Spirit already knows you’re absolutely magical — and fully capable of creating miraculous healing in your life… and in the lives of those you love…

Now you need to believe it, too.

It’s time to re-meet the Jesus... and activate your Divine Healing power.

Many of us have learned about “a Jesus” that is slathered in dogma…

… cutting us off from the off-the-hook healing that is possible!

Jesus is the gateway to miracles, magic, and true healing — in every area of your life. 

Join us for a 3-hour Divine Healing deep-dive with Corin Grillo, licensed psychotherapist, author, healer, teacher, and Angel Alchemy Academy founder...

She’ll show you how to open your heart to the most revered Divine Healers — Jesus, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Michael.

The truth is, the cure for what’s hurting us, keeping us stuck, and holding us back lies within a powerful and authentic connection with Divine. 

Spiritual energy is medicine for your heart, mind, life, and soul.

In this transformational training, Corin will share the juiciest elements of miracle healing. And as you’ll discover, there’s no one better to help you bring miracles into your life than Jesus, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Michael...

You’ll explore how to work this power trio to manifest your divine health, wealth, and relationships for 2021.

As Corin will share, channeling and weaving this kind of healing energy has been a game-changer for her — and her clients and students all over the world….

They’ve experienced the spontaneous healing of everything from cancer to Covid, along with emotional and physical healings, stunning financial  miracles, and much more.

You’ll see how, when you learn to do this powerful work with Spirit...

Not even the sky is the limit.

Experience how magical & miraculous you truly are, and:
  • Learn how to tap into angel healing energy and ignite miracles in every area of your life
  • Become a channel for the miraculous healing power of Jesus — and serve as a healing bridge between heaven and earth
  • Align with miracle worker Archangel Raphael — the “angel of miracles” who helps everyone who calls on him
  • Break through fears and limiting beliefs with the protection and healing of Archangel Michael 
  • Activate your natural healing abilities and receive angel goodness all around you
  • And more...

Corin will share her juiciest secrets for upleveling your connection with the Divine & moving healing energy. 
This empowering training is for new healers, veterans, and everyone in between.
Join Corin and detox from drama as you feel more resilient, strong, magical, — and step into the confidence you’ll need to create the life that your heart deeply desires.
Explore your own potential as a Divine channel for miracles.
In this 3-hour virtual training, you’ll discover:
How to unlock your deepest healing power

Exactly how to create healing miracles with Source, Jesus, and the Archangels

Ways to weave and direct incredible Divine energies into every area of your life — to heal your body, heart, mind, relationships… even your bank account 

How to gain confidence in sending healing energy to your family members and clients with angel frequencies

Ways to send healing energy across land and oceans — and send to people that aren’t in the same space as you

How to sense the different energy patterns of Jesus, Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael

Anyone can work with Spirit to heal & open their lives to magic.

PLUS - Choose any price point and receive a free one on one intuitive Angel healing session with one of my graduates!

Manifest Miracles in 2021 with the Divine Guidance of Jesus,
Archangel Raphael & Archangel Michael
This event has already occurred. Sign up now for instant access to the replay!
Manifest Miracles in 2021 with the Divine Guidance of Jesus, Archangel Raphael & Archangel Michael

This event has already occurred. Sign up now for instant access to the replay!
Here's what some folks have had to say over the years about Corin's trainings...

"You taught me what it means to be led by spirit. THANK YOU. You not only impacted my life, but the lives of 2,000 others!"

Toni Gahn-Black

"Corin has brought so much joy into my life! I'm definitely not the same person who began this course."

Sandi Hartz

"There are no words to express how truly grateful and blessed I feel! Thank you for being you! Thank you for connecting me with such amazing, beautiful people! Thank you for guiding, teaching, and lighting the way. I'm going to call you my yoda."

Kate Lousley

"Thank you Corin. You made me normal and whole again... I've been teased my whole life and I suppressed my gifts that I have always known I had... YOU gave me hope and inspiration. You and the angels and guides... I now get to say that I had the best badass teacher ever."

Lynn Fay

Hey there, I’m Corin Grillo.

I am trained psychotherapist, angelic channel, educator, spiritual instigator and #1 best-selling author of the book "The Angel Experiment."

I still remember how my first angel healing session, the angels knocked my socks off. Not only were the messages crazy accurate, but I could feel the energy moving through me. The energy felt bubbly, alive, and effervescent. Not heavy and hopeless like the way that I felt when I went in...

When I left the angel session I felt like a completely new woman. I felt lighter, brighter, insanely happy, and most importantly, I could actually feel my angels with me, and began getting amazing messages and signs immediately.

This intense spiritual awakening led to my discovery of profound intuitive and healing abilities that, at the time, I had NO IDEA were inside of me...

I came out of the “Spiritual Closet” in my psychotherapy practice several years ago. Now I’m committed to teaching others about the profound magic that lives inside of them and how to set it free with the help of the angels.


I am new to intuitive healing work. Is this for me? Heck yes it is! You may be new to healing work, but we are all born with spiritual gifts. All you have to do is take a little time learn how to flex your intuitive muscles. That’s what this intuitive healer Training is all about.

I already do healing work. Will this help me? Yes! We will be doing angelic attunements which will help you become a more clear channel for angel frequencies. Plus, gathering in groups like this AMPLIFIES the energy.

Can I ask questions along the way? YES! Ask away! This will be a dynamic and interactive intuition training, and we will all be able to work together and see each other through Zoom video conferencing.

I can’t make it this time. Will there be a recording? Of course! I will get you everything you need to make sure that you can have a deep and real experience at home by watching the recording.


I am new to intuitive healing work. Is this for me? Heck yes it is! You may be new to healing work, but we are all born with spiritual gifts. All you have to do is take a little time learn how to flex your intuitive muscles. That’s what this intuitive healer Training is all about.

I already do healing work. Will this help me? Yes! We will be doing angelic attunements which will help you become a more clear channel for angel frequencies. Plus, gathering in groups like this AMPLIFIES the energy.

Can I ask questions along the way? YES! Ask away! This will be a dynamic and interactive intuition training, and we will all be able to work together and see each other through Zoom video conferencing.

I can’t make it this time. Will there be a recording? Of course! I will get you everything you need to make sure that you can have a deep and real experience at home by watching the recording.

Investment For This 3 Hours of Healing Magic

This event has already occurred. Sign up now for instant access to the replay!

VIP Angel Package

(limited spots)

Training + a semi-private angel healing with Corin Grillo + free 1:1 Intuitive Healing with one of Corin's graduates



Includes a free 30 minute 1:1 Intuitive Healing with one of Corin's graduates

Healing Investment

Regular healing training investment + free 1:1 Intuitive Healing with one of Corin's graduates



Includes a free 30 minute 1:1 Intuitive Healing with one of Corin's graduates

Financial Support

If your finances are a little tight right now + free 1:1 Intuitive Healing with one of Corin's graduates



Includes a free 30 minute 1:1 Intuitive Healing with one of Corin's graduates

Rise above 2020’s weirdness & chaos — and harness potent  energies to serve your healing & greater missions.

Rise above 2020’s weirdness & chaos — and harness potent  energies to serve your healing & greater missions.

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