The Spiritual Renegade

A Zero-Cost On Demand Workshop Series
with Corin Grillo, psychotherapist, best-selling author, healer & teacher

Deepen your connection with your spirit team, magnify your natural spiritual gifts, and turn your spiritual curiosity into authentic miracle-power. 
Do you want to make a bigger impact with your intuitive healing work? Or, are you curious about your own untapped intuitive healing abilities?

In a world where so many folks are losing hope and needing some divine intervention, it’s time for more spiritual renegades to own their power, deepen their relationship with the Divine, and come out of the spiritual closet in bigger and broader ways.

The truth is, our planet has never needed its spiritual belly filled more than it does today. Folks are running on empty, and they need more soulful badasses who are ready to break away from the pack, own their unique and powerful spiritual gifts, and serve as bridges for those who are feeling lost, traumatized, and isolated.

If you're someone with a healthy spiritual appetite and have your own unique connection to the Divine, then it’s a great time for you to deepen your relationship with your spirit team, discover how to magnify your natural gifts, and turn your spiritual curiosity into authentic miracle-power.
 You are on the frontlines of a spiritual revolution.
Spiritual renegades are often humble, yet a little rebellious. They possess unique wisdom, keen intuition, natural healing abilities, a sacred connection with the unseen, and an innate desire to create a lasting impact on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being of their families and communities.

Is this you?

If so, then please listen. Humility is good on the one hand, but it can also block you from discovering more about the radical, loving force of nature that you were designed to be for the folks you came here to serve.
 Here's The Truth.
The nagging voices inside of your head might say things like:

"Do I have what it takes to make a bigger impact in the world?'"

“Am I capable of intuitive healing miracles?”

“Am I just making this shit up?”

But I'm here to say:

Truth 👉🏽 NO, you aren’t making this shit up. Your dreams are Spirit’s dreams and they’re dreaming through you.

Bigger Truth 👉🏽 YES, you are capable of miracles and tbh, you’ve probably already helped spirit channel a few through you. You just doubt it.

Savage Truth 👉🏽 YES, you have what it takes to make a bigger impact in the world.  If I did it, so can you.

But you must take the steps to bust through your limitations, learn more about your deeper spiritual abilities, and believe in yourself – even if you’re afraid other folks won’t believe you or will judge you.

So if you are still reading, consider this a sign that your angels and your divine spirit team are extending their wings towards you to deepen your collaboration with them, and are offering you the curiosity, inspiration, and desire to explore more of your innate and truly divine power.

When angels are reaching out their wings to you, I highly recommend that you reach back.

"Corin is a savvy, knowledgeable, potent and charismatic teacher, and CLEAR in her intentions and delivery. My life has shifted in unimaginable ways since coming into contact with Corin's playful party ways, and I AM forever changed. Thank you Corin for seeing me and believing in me, and helping ME to see and believe too!"

– Romy Keegan, New Mexico

In this FREE on demand workshop series, you will:
Discover the extraordinary medicine of the archangels and how they can help you heal and transform mental, emotional, and physical health.
Learn how to magnify your natural gifts to create miracles in your life and in the lives of those around you.
Build more confidence in your relationship with the Divine so you can become a channel for spirit's potent messages.
Learn energy tricks to shield yourself from psychic attack and toxic energy.
Unlock the secrets to instant miracle healing.
...And so much more!
PLUS I will walk you through potent practices to establish your personal power and authority in working with the spiritual dimensions, and you’ll hear about cool miracles stories that have happened for unsuspecting spiritual renegades.

Unlock Instant Access to The Spiritual Renegade: Revolutionize Your Intuitive Healing Power with the Divine
 Meet Corin.
Corin Grillo is an internationally acclaimed transformational leader, author of “The Angel Experiment” and “Angel Wealth Magic”,  a psychotherapist, and the founder of the Angel Alchemy Academy.

She trains students all over the world in how to access their deeper medicine by fostering an authentic, palpable relationship with the angels and other divine allies.
In this rare on demand workshop series, Corin will offer a sampling of the powerful teachings that she has shared with her students at no cost to you.
All we ask from you, is that you have a true desire to know our Creator and your angels and allies more closely, because this is the always the first step in manifesting True Miracles.

Come and uncover amazing spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional intuitive healing tricks that have blown her students' minds time and time again over the last decade.

I love Corin's teaching methods, and she's a hoot! There is something about the way she teaches that makes it easy to learn, integrate and implement. The course I took was a lot of fun and I felt an even deeper connection to the Divine through Corin's teachings!

– Lauryn Senko, Alberta

Workshop 1: Psychic Protection and Spiritual Anatomy
During this first powerful hour-long workshop, you'll learn Corin’s secret weapon for protecting yourself from psychic attack and toxic energy.

You’ll also learn more about yourself as an energetic human and how your energy body impacts your physical, emotional, and mental health.

Workshop 2: Archangel Communication, Channeling, and Medicine-Making
In this second juicy hour-long workshop, you’ll learn how to improve your angel communication and channeling abilities.

You’ll also learn how to work with the Archangels to make radical medicine for your heart, mind, body, and soul.

Workshop 3: Secrets of Miracle-Making and Instant Healing
In this third hour-long workshop, you’ll learn about the 4 pillars of miracle-healing with the Divine and about the beautiful gifts that were given to all humans to rewire the brain, the DNA, and expand heart-consciousness.

You'll hear about real miracles and walk away with actionable steps you can take to forge a deeper relationship with Spirit and with your own intrinsic spiritual power.

Corin is to the point, honest, present and on a mission to help people heal themselves and the world. She teaches what she knows from lived experience and is always full of heart and humor. Thank you Corin for your limitless insights, energy and inspiration!

– Anja Vlaardingerbroek, Netherlands

The Spiritual Renegade: Revolutionize Your Intuitive Healing Power with the Divine

Register Now for FREE!

Here's what some folks have had to say over the years about Corin's teachings...

"Corin is so incredibly real, both compassionate and passionate. I so appreciate her nature and way of teaching. I love learning through stories and personal experience, and Corin shares both with such enthusiasm and sense of fun that make it wonderfully compelling and easy to remember! Corin rocks, I'm so happy I found her and what she has to share. It's bananas fantastic!!!"

 Jill Markey, California 

"Corin is inspiring, powerful, down to earth, and a true leader. I get shaken up just the right way by her, out of complacency, to be motivated to go for my dreams. Thank you Corin!"

 Serenã Lubov, California  

"Corin's teachings are relatable, open, honest, understandable, and totally connected to the divine. She has a way of helping me understand that anything is possible and that there is light and truth in all things! She also has a way of helping me be ok with my power and know that there's no need to hide it!"

Lynn McCluskey, Colorado

"I feel like Corin is a soul sister - speaking right to my heart. She gives a lot of knowledge about different traditions, swears, and is authentic and also goes unapologetically into the woo woo.. a perfect combination!  "

Jenny Mannion, New York

"Corin is AMAZING! She keeps things real! I love her upbeat attitude and how she goes off script because she is so passionate about helping people. It's truly inspirational. I am surprised how much I have learned already and thrilled I signed up for her workshop."

 Trisha Rappaport, Illinois 

Our team is passionately committed to creating and maintaining a culture of total inclusion and connectedness. We recognize that we are only able to thrive as humans when all cultures, ethnicities, genders, and sexual orientations are able to freely express themselves.

We are unwavering in our allyship. We celebrate and welcome humans from all walks of life with open arms.

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